
    I am trying to define who I want to be as an actor

    Basically, I am trying to fit myself to the image of the characters I would like to play.  A lot of this involves the shape, and fitness, of my body.

    I have always been able to play the "heavy."  Playing the menacing character has always been my type, even when I was at my heaviest.  I have been told I have an angry face.

    However, to play the menacing guy honestly, in this day and age, I need to be able to get back my ability to stage fight.  I need to be able to tumble and take the falls.  That requires a level of fitness that I have let slip by.

    I have lived in the gym.  It makes me strong.  It does not make me fit.  I contemplated Crossfit, but I have heard too many horror stories about injuries due the to culture of crossfit.  My own brother suffered such an injury during his crossfit phase.  If I am honest with myself, that takes a backseat to the fact that I am not, nor have I ever been, a joiner.  Crossfit is a culture of group.  I am a loner.

    So, I thought back to the time in my life when I was the most fit.  The Army.  The Army does not send you to the gym.  They do calisthenics.  Calisthenic exercises today have expanded beyond what the Army taught me.

    I spent the last month on multiple fitness challenges.  I feel fantastic.  Now, I will slip into a regular routine.  I may not gain the size I once had, but at 53, I think it is time to be nicer to my joints.  Muscle is still added weight.

    Just as I have recently left certain performing gigs that no longer align with my focus, I am shaping the physical part of my instrument to better align to my goals as a performer.

    It is a strong reminder that we never stop learning and training.

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